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Catan - Starfarers 5-6 Player Extension

Catan - Starfarers 5-6 Player Extension

Moncton, 1 In stock
CAD$ 73.95
  • Description

    Catan: Starfarers – 5-6 Player Extension contains all the components needed to conduct games of Catan: Starfarers with up to six players. A new Pilot 1/Pilot 2 turn-taking system ensures that players stay more engaged by allowing building and moving in between active turns.

    In addition to new player pieces, motherships, and additional space sectors, this extension introduces a mysterious alien civilization: The Travelers. Players can strike up trade alliances with the Travelers to benefit from their supernatural powers!

  • Details
    Time: 150 min
    Players: 5-6
    Year: 2020
    Ages: 14+
    Publisher: Catan Studio