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Marvel: Crisis Protocol - Yondu & Nova

Marvel: Crisis Protocol - Yondu & Nova

Moncton, 2 In stock
CAD$ 52.95
  • Description

    CP126 brings Yondu and Nova to the table in Marvel: Crisis Protocol! As MCP expands into the larger realms of comics, we see more exciting characters from Marvel brought to the tabletop. 

    Yondu brings a mix of his comics look at new found MCU fame, with his iconic mohawk and deadly bow & arrow. His game mechanics bring an underhanded pirate play style to the game, which will be new and fun for players. Nova is a hard hitting, medium zone character which will be a welcome addition to any player and collector. 

    This character pack, CP126, brings two fan-favorite characters to Marvel: Crisis Protocol!

    - 1 Nova Miniature
    - 1 Yondu Miniature
    - 2 35mm Bases
    - 2 Character Stat Cards
    - 3 Team Tactic Cards
    - 1 Insert
