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Wild Space

Wild Space

Fredericton, 1 In stock
CAD$ 37.95
  • Description

    A new Galaxy has just been discovered on the borders of the Empire! Commanding your Spaceship, you go explore this new Eldorado, full of treasures and mysteries. Planet after Planet, your discoveries allow you to build up your Crew. Hire Specialists and Robots to benefit from their abilities. Attract Empire Emissaries on board, which will entrust you with new missions, worth Credits. Grab your part of the wonders that this new Galaxy is full of, to become the wealthiest explorer !

    Wild Space is a tactical card game in which you aim at combining your cards efficiently. Each time that you add new cards to your collection, you reinforce your Crew, earning Credits and preparing your next combos. Wild Space carries all the excitement of the best combo card games, within short plays and with accessible rules.
