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Master Dater

Master Dater

Moncton, 1 In stock
CAD$ 34.95
  • Description

    Number of Players: 3-6

    Playing Time: 20 Minutes

    Recommended Ages: 14+


    In Master Dater, the newest card game from Cyanide & Happiness, players vie for each others' attention and affection by creating perfect, horrible dates pandering to very specific dating interests. Combine a head and a body into a perfect match, and argue your way into the heart of the sexy single. Defeat your rivals, win at love!


    Game Features

    • 300 weird interest cards, to let you know a little bit about the sexy single at the start of each round.
    • 230 head and body cards, so you can create the perfect date.
    • High quality glossy cards that will repel all the beer you spit on them while playing.
    • Guaranteed awkwardness if you play with your parents.