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Daemonhammer Novel

Daemonhammer Novel

Moncton, 1 In stock
CAD$ 34.95
  • Description

    An Imperial Agents Novel

    Zealous and uncompromising, Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz is the scourge of cultist and daemon alike, striking fear into the hearts of the Emperor’s foes. As lord inquisitor and High Protector of the Formosa Sector, he wields terrible power, able to purge entire systems of the taint of Chaos and heresy, with a legion of agents and interrogators at his disposal.


    What happens when the long decades of horror start to take their toll? Find out whether the legendary Inquisitor Coteaz can continue to spread the God-Emperor’s judgement as his body reaches the limits of its endurance.


    When sinister tidings from a forgotten corner of the Formosa Sector hint at spectres from his past, Inquisitor Coteaz must face a terrible choice – abandon his throne to those who covet it or cling to power by shattering the very bounds of mortality. All the while, other forces are at work in the darkness, and should Coteaz succumb to their alluring power, billions will fall with him.

    Written by Darius Hinks.
